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The Canvas Project

How it started

It all started when we obtained prices for canopies from a number of suppliers. But we quickly found out how expensive this is to order new .Then over to YouTube to see if this could be done on its own.

And slowly but surely we bought the necessary equipment. We also will share a full list of what you need and should have to be able to do this yourself as well as with approximate prices on what the materials costs.


Over companionway

Text and pictures are coming...


safety rope etc.

Text and pictures are coming...


In the cockpit

Text and pictures are coming...

Companionway cover

for  the entrance

Text and pictures are coming...



The basement was cleaned and converted into a sewing room. One of the crew on SY Neptune started whit watching YouTube clips...!

Just a fraction of the materials


A number of tools, materials such as Canvas textiles and vinyl were purchased for the work on the various projects.

Salty Facts

Material - Canvas Sunbrella

Color - Charcole grey

Machine - Singer Heavy Duty 4423

Tread - coming

Windows - 6mm Canvas Vinyl

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